About Me

Why I Did Girls Who Code

I am approaching my final year of high school and I have yet to decide what my plans are for my future. It was my brother that convinced me it was good to try new things, especially things with computers, so I turned to GWC. I figured this was an opportunity to acquire new skills that would benefit my future, as computer sciences is something that only seems to be becoming more significant as time passes. This is also something that I can incorporate in college applications. So far this program has proven fruitful and it has exposed me to new concepts that I would have never discovered on my own!

My Background

I have lived most of my life In Rancho Cucamonga, and spent much free time in its surrounding cities. So being only minutes away from Claremont made the this opportunity even more accessible. I am the fourth of five children in a mexican household where my first language was spanish. So now besides speaking Spanish and English i am also Familiar with HTML, CSS, and Javascript ;P Growing up in mexican family has allowed me to appreciate every aspect of life and to do so with an enormous support system.

My Hobbies

My hobbies include mainly laying back and binging series and movies on netflix. I also enjoying munching on some snacks especially hot cheetos! However, I also enjoy getting in some physical activity like jogging or going to the gym. I find this to be a perfect balance, which also gives me some free time to go shopping which I love. The places I tend to shop at at usually named Target,because its the the best store ever. I also love spending time with family and friends which is why these activities are usually done with the company of some of them.